Tautologies for children

For: the child that is me awaiting the child in me. To: my readers - just a small exercise in poetry to keep me (& hopefully you) occupied for a moment this week.

Tautologies for children

For: the child that is me awaiting the child in me. To: my readers - just a small exercise in poetry to keep me (& hopefully you) occupied for a moment this week.

Father yells:
"Enough is enough!" -  
Perhaps we have been
talking past each other
this entire time.
What is enough for you
swallows me whole, spits
me out wet
cheeks swollen, full
like large red apples
blossoming in baskets
I can barely contain.

Instead, I am content
to chew softly, flesh
raw and pale
drinking daylight until
these golden suns fade
into the cusp of dusk.


Mother glares:
"Want means want"
means what exactly?
I plunge my hand whole
into my desires, grasping
them by their roots, hoping
to secretly find equivalency
when I weigh them

I find instead
that answers are more
a gift than a given,
that I have given myself away
to a difference of nothing,
that still the sum total
of my wants exceed
what I can be given, so
how can I be given
what I want?

There is no accounting
for loss.

Thinking, reading, feeling